
Major || Progress Report 2 - Test Animations and Environment Texturing

While attempting test animations on the body rig I noticed that some of the driven keys weren't working for some reason, so they were fixed. Helps to notice this now so it doesn't make problems in the future. Now all that need to be completed is the face rig stuff.

Finished some more texturing for the environments, was a bit torn on whether to include patterned bedsheets or not, decided against it because the white looked ok if a little clinical. Tried to put a normal map on the carpet but the texture went very dark in the viewport? In the future perhaps look at making the main door taller, adding the window, and think about focal points.

I want the Bedroom to look like it belongs to a young person, so I'm avoiding using the 
same colours and utilising neutrals like white to fill in gaps in design. The use of brighter palette will help to create a family friendly, airy space to contrast the Blank Space, which will be characterised by its sense of enclosure and isolation echoed in a negative palette of darker colours and patterns. 

The inclusion of rain throughout the entire animation provides an extra layer of drama known as pathetic fallacy. There are mood changes to do with rain that varies between different people, I want this characters mood be affected by the weathers presence in the same way. I wanted to extend the interaction with water a little further by having the floor of the blank space be submerged in a thin layer of stagnant water. This will play with the idea of reflections both as a concept and in visual practise, as well as adding an extra layer of interaction. On the Outside scene as well, when I get around to it, could have a sparkle of morning dew and the remnants of clouds in the sky.

Looking at my concept art, the original Bedroom seems to become bigger and the waterlogged walls become taller through the use of vertical drip stains. Adding this to my current perception of the room, the ceiling should be out of sight completely, making the reflection of the room in the water like a bottomless pit. The small entryway with the red door is extended into a long winding path with the door standing out with red paint. The darkest corners of the room glint with something unearthly.

surprise. it's birdperson.

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